Friday, May 15, 2009

Visitor from the Website of CAIR Apologist Dawud Walid


Dawud Walid
Dawud Walid

Doesn't mean Walid himself visited, but the link showed up. Someone visiting Dawud's site then went on to mine. Anyhoo, I checked him out. He's the Executive Director of CAIR in Michigan...probably Dearborn.

Below is a post written by this man, claiming Walid Shoebat is a fake. These sort of claims are made constantly by jihadis. He wonders why Shoebat isn't in jail. The fact of the matter is, he did go to jail, in Israel and he states exactly that in his video below. As far as why he is not in jail in America, there could be many reasons. First, he apparently served his time. Or perhaps Mr. Shoebat cut a deal by giving vital intelligence to the Feds? That would be sweet.

A CAIR apologist/activist calling Shoebat a fake is like the pot calling the kettle black. CAIR is nothing but a front organization for jihadis determined to bring the United States of America under the jackboot of sharia.

Hate and Terror Awarded - CAIR's Dawud Walid gets special recognition from Mayor of Michigan by Joe Kaufman of Militant Islam


CAIR: 'Moderate' friends of terror by Daniel Pipes

CAIR: Islamists Fooling the Establishment by Daniel Pipes and Sharon Chadha

CAIR Watch

CAIR Watch Profiles (search Dawud Walid)

Jihad Watch

CAIR Watch Profiles (search Dawud Walid)

Below is Dawud Walid's post claiming Walid Shoebat is a fake.

Walid Shoebat, fraud in progress or object of ignorance by law enforcement?

A man, who goes by the name of Walid Shoebat (probably not his true name) that claims to be an “ex-terrorist” will be coming to Michigan State University for a speech next week. I’m presuming that he’ll give his usual I used to be a terrorist who hated Jews before I became an evangelical Christian speech. His speech is being sponsored by the Young Americans for Freedom (YAF), which is America’s only student hate group according to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

The question is that if Mr. Shoebat was indeed involved in terrorist acts, why has he not been investigated by the Department of Justice and placed in jail for his crimes? Does getting the “holy ghost” give him immunity from being arrested and tried in court for terrorism? If Bin Laden or Mulla Omar renounced terror, could they go on speakers tours also and collect nice honorariums for a living? (emphasis mine)

Probably. Seems the American way. Seriously though, you think profit is the primary motivation? There's probably an easier way to make a living. The man is under a death threat. I wonder if Dawud serves as Executive Director of CAIR in Michigan for free?

Read Walid Shoebat on questions of his identity

See: (haven't figured out blogspot yet and Shabbos is coming)

Sorry, Dawud, you're going to have to work harder than that. Casting aspersions just doesn't cut it. Oh, and congrats, you've earned a position on my blogroll. Under "Jihadi Groups".

Cross-posted at Avid Editor's Insights